The Rub Society

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Looking to make a BIG impression at your next BBQ?! These PECAN Smoked Short Ribs are a definite MUST HAVE! This an easy, bullet-proof method to getting the PERFECT Smoked Short Ribs. So good, even Fred Flintstone would approve!


  • 1 beef Short Plate
  • Texas Dirt Steak & Brisket Rub
  • 1 Cup water
  • 1 Cup apple cider vinegar
  • meat probe
  • spray bottle(for the spritz!)
  • butcher paper


  1. Start by trimming off any excess fat from the Short Plate. Leave a thin layer (about 3mm) of fat across the plate but anything more than that, trim off. Most butchers will take care of this for you.
  2. Apply a light layer of Texas Dirt on all sides of the Short Plate. Pack it in well to ensure the flavour gets into the meat. Once seasoned to your liking, place in the fridge and let rest for at least 1 hour.
  3. Next, fire up the pit! Get your pecan smoking and get a steady temperature of 120 C.
  4. Go ahead and get your ribs on the pit. Monitor the temperature to ensure we’re still sitting around 120C and cook for 1 hour.
  5. While you wait, mix the spritz! Add your Water and Apple Cider Vinegar to the spray bottle and shake well.
  6. After the first hour, give the plate a good spritz. This will keep the surface nice and moist!
  7. After spritzing, insert the meat probe into the thickest part of the plate so the tip of the probe is at the very centre.
  8. Continue cooking, spritzing approximately every 30-45 minutes until the internal temperature hits 70C. At this point, the meat won’t take on anymore smoke and should have developed an ideal bark!
  9. Remove the meat from the cooker. Give it a good spritz and wrap it tightly in butcher paper.
  10. Place the meat back on the cooker and the meat probe back into the thickest part of the plate.
  11. Continue cooking until the ribs hit 95C. Then remove, wrap in several towels, and place in a clean and covered esky for 1 hour.
  12. Remove ribs from the esky, unwrap the butcher paper and place ribs on a large cutting board.
  13. With a sharp knife, cut between each bone to separate the ribs and serve!